About Me

My name is Dana Wildy. I am a prior Business student. Over many years I have studied different topics. I have not completely mastered anything quite yet... But hey I am still young. I started my College journey in a Business program. I did recieve the piece of paper; but this did not feel like it was where I belonged. The quest continues...

We will fast forward I have the Associates in Business, I took a brief stop over to the art world; as it turns out my future did not really settle here as well... The quest continues yet again. It almost feels like the level in Super Mario Brothers. When you rescue Toad and he says the Princess is in another castle..

So now here we are. I have now started pursuing a more Technical Path. I will soon have an Associates in Information Technology. My attempt in this path was for a Help Desk job or to land somewhere in the Cyber Security Realm. That has not quite happened. The translation to this long story is sometimes it takes a while before you find your right path. Life does not have a road map. Through all of this I have realized I have more fun building things. In this case web pages. I like to solve problems that involove creativity. So if I can ever asisst in building a website please feel free to contact me. I would love to collaborate with other newbie developers such as myself.